It’s a new year, and with a new year comes fresh hope that things could be different this year.
When I look back on my journals from years past, the entries on January 1 all look strangely familiar. The things I desired to change ten years ago are still on my list. It’s a good thing I’m an optimist by nature because otherwise, I would have given up in despair long ago.
Time in God’s Word and prayer always top my resolution list. I confess that I have spent much of my life haphazardly reading through the Bible. That all changed in 2018 when I adopted my mother-in-law Jeanne’s Bible reading method.
When Jeanne died in 2017 she left behind dozens of journals dating back as far as 1985. Unlike my journals that share my thoughts, her journals contain mostly facts. Many of them begin in a similar way with her daily Scripture readings recorded at the top of the page next to the date. She would then go on and list her activities from that day.

Jeanne’s method of writing down her daily readings may not sound revolutionary to you, but it gave me the idea to start a spiritual journal in 2018. Even though I had spiritual journals in the past, this was different in that it was systematic. I set out to read through the Bible and like Jeanne, the top of each page included the date and the Scripture passages I read that day.
To read the Bible in a year you need to read about four chapters a day. If it takes more than a year it’s not a big deal. My 2018 pass through the Bible took me three weeks into the next year.
My plan this year began like this:
January 1 – Genesis 1–2, Matthew 1, Psalm 1.
As I read, I record what God is teaching me.
Some days I would read more and some days less.
There are a lot of Bible reading plans for those who prefer that. This way works for me because there is no pressure to keep to a rigid schedule, and I always know where I am at since I record it.
God’s Word is amazing. No matter how many times you read a passage, God still manages to teach you new things. It never gets old.
On January 4 I read the account of the tower of Babel. The people wanted to build a tower that reached to the sky. One of the reasons they give is, “This will make us famous” (Genesis 11:4 NLT).
As I continued reading about Abram in chapter 12, I was struck by that same expression when referring to Abram. He says, “I will bless you and make you famous.”
Here is what I recorded in my journal. “The people desired to be famous for their own glory (12:4) – God was going to make Abram famous for his glory. Abram is introduced in chapter 12 and the first incident recounted is of his sin of lying and its consequences. Throughout history God used flawed people despite their imperfections.”
Each day I record what God is teaching me and there is always something.
John 16:13 says that when the Spirit of truth comes, “He will guide you into all the truth.”
The Holy Spirit doesn’t just teach pastors and Bible college graduates, He teaches all Christians.
I am excited about getting into God’s Word this year and look forward to what he will teach me.
I have also been considering the privilege we have to come before Almighty God in prayer.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
To think – we can have an audience with the God of the universe anytime we like.
This year I am trying something new to help me keep track of prayer requests. I have index cards on rings and each card is dedicated to a person or a family. I adapted an idea I’d read about of putting the cards in a recipe box. I have two sets of cards,—one for people I pray for daily and another set of cards for people I pray for weekly.

I am looking forward to a fantastic 2021. My prayer for me and for you is that as we spend time with the Lord this year we would become more like him.
By God’s grace,
All the best 2021. What a beautiful message. Love the following line:
“to think – we can have an audience with the God of the universe anytime we like.”
Thanks, Jennifer. Isn’t it wonderful to think that the creator and sustainer of everything wants to hear from us. I have really been struck recently with the privilege we have in prayer. Wishing God’s best for you in 2021