An Opportunity for Joy

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. James 1:2 (NLT)

This verse in James is familiar, but when I read it in the New Living Translation, it struck me in a way that it never had before. The word opportunity jumped off the page. The troubles that come into our lives are an opportunity for joy. Not just any kind of joy, but “great joy”.

The Oxford dictionary defines opportunity as, “a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.”

The word opportunity makes me think of possibility.


Years ago, my mother told me this account of a missionary named Curt Bork. His car had broken down on the highway while travelling from Manitoba to Ontario. Before the car completely died he was able to pull over to the side of the road; when he got out, his first response was, “Thank you, Lord, for this good trouble.”

Most of us in similar situations would have despaired and grumbled about our misfortune. Not Curt. He understood what so many of us fail to—trouble is an opportunity for joy.

Only a few minutes passed before a man pulled over and asked Curt where he was going. Curt told him he was headed to Toronto, which was over an hour away. The man further questioned by asking where specifically he was headed. Curt mentioned the name of the man at whose house he would be staying. “Oh, I know him,” the man replied, “I’ll take you there.” At which point Curt hopped into his vehicle and the two drove off.

What a beautiful illustration of a positive way to view difficult situations.


The chance of having trials in this life is 100 percent. James says not “if” but “when” trials come our way. The question is, what attitude will I have when I go through them?

Trials are uncomfortable and often painful, yet when I realize our sovereign God is in control I have an opportunity for great joy.

I am not just speaking theoretically. I have experienced the joy of the Lord during the deepest trials of my life.

While pregnant with our first child, I went into premature labor and was rushed to hospital. We prayed that the Lord would allow me to continue the pregnancy and that our child would survive. We also prayed, “Thy will be done.” In God’s sovereign plan our son Samuel was born on October 25, 2001, and moments later died in my husband’s arms. What a trial, and what deep grief; yet mingled with that grief was joy.

It sounds impossible to experience joy in such circumstances, but it is possible. God cannot lie, and if he tells us that troubles are an opportunity for great joy, then it must be true.

Our faith was tested further when I became pregnant with our second child. We were thankful that the doctors had identified the problem and had stitched my cervix closed.

Throughout that pregnancy we had lots of people praying for us and the baby. Once again, we were trusting God for the outcome. The stitch was the medical answer, but we knew that ultimately our faith was in God, not the stitch.

After many months of prayer for the safe delivery of our baby, Hannah Faith was stillborn.

Despite great pain and sorrow, I experienced peace and joy. God’s promises are true.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

I had read these verses so many times before, but during those trials I lived them. I can only tell you about the peace since the Bible says it transcends all understanding. This is the kind of peace you need to experience for yourself.

I recount this incident in greater detail in my book but I wanted to share it here too since I could hardly speak credibly of joy had I not experienced it myself.

While God ultimately blessed us with two more children, not all stories have happy endings. Regardless of the outcome, God is in control and God is good.

Sorrow is a natural and normal human response to a painful situation. Even Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus, despite knowing that moments later he would be raising him from the dead.

The author of Hebrews tells us how Jesus responded to the greatest trial of his life. “Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame.”

Jesus is our example. We are to fix our eyes on him.


Who would have thought that the whole world would be going through the same trial together, yet that’s what is happening today, as almost every country in the world has been affected by COVID-19. While it touches each individual and family differently, we are all going through this together.

This trouble is an opportunity for each of us to experience great joy.

I wish I could say that I experience joy in all circumstances. I don’t. Strangely, I often find it easier to trust God in the big areas of my life and the small things trip me up.

We must remember that God uses trials to help us grow. (James 1:3-4)

Be encouraged friends, God truly does work all things together for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28)

We may never understand why we have to go through the things we do, but we do know this:

God is in control, and he loves us. When we trust him, he promises peace and joy.

Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

My prayer for me, and for you, is that the next trial that comes along, we will be able to say, “Thank you, Lord, for this good trouble.”


22 thoughts on “An Opportunity for Joy”

    1. Hi Valerie, you’re right, it is a good perspective to have, yet finding joy in this current “trouble” and other troubles takes a bit of cultivation.for all of us.🙂

    1. Thanks Hannah. Since trials abound in this life, we all have lots of opportunities for joy, 🙂

    1. Good to hear from you Beth. I’m happy to share my story. We each have a story, and you are so right, God is good all the time!

  1. Penny (Hlywka) Patterson

    Thank you for the great example of our Lord’s faithfulness and steadfastness with us during trials!
    Thank you for sharing your heart!

    1. Thank you Denise for sharing your deeply personal experiences. Yes, I too get tripped up over the “little” things in life that come along. But usually when I come to my senses, I look for what God is trying to teach me or if God wants to use me in some small way (opportunity). Thanks for your encouragement through your blog.

      1. Thank you for your comments Sue. I too need to come to my senses sometimes and remind myself of the truths that I shared in my blog. 🙂

  2. So well said Denise! I have felt that peace during two specific trials in my life & it is indescribable! I have to work on finding it in the little trials! 😂. When can we buy your book?

  3. I’m with you on the big trial, little trial thing. 🙂 Trusting God in all circumstances is something we each need to do daily. It doesn’t come naturally but the rewards are great. Lord willing the book will be out in the Fall. I’ll keep you posted about a launch party.

    1. Flora Martinez Berthin

      Thank you Denise for sharing. My perfect reminder to always be thankful to God through good or bad times (specially in bad times). Truly God carries our burdens when it’s beyond our control. What a blissful feeling when I put my trust in Him. 😊

  4. Thank you for your wisdom! God’s timing is perfect as this is just the encouragement I need to hear! ♥️

  5. Thank you so much you Always touch my heart you are an Angel when I was down you came to my rescue God sent you to me and Daughter Selina you got never left my heart Always with me Denise I can’t believe you went through all that pain After healing my pain you’re so important in my life Always God is Good Amen

    1. Thank you Ingrid for your kind words. You are right – God is good, no matter what each of us goes through. ❤️

  6. Denise, I’ve been deeply touched by reading your blogs. Your Mum is now one of my dear Sisters in Christ in our church fellowship. She is a precious addition to the Logan family whom I’ve known all my life. We thank god for her🙏

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