As we embark on a new year I’m ready for a challenge. How about you? One of my goals for 2022 is to read more. That’s a pretty vague goal so I’ve quantified it and decided on the number of books I would like to read this year. The number will seem low to the avid reader, and high to the nonreader but I think that it’s just right for me.
When choosing a goal, I like to use the SMART goal acronym. Goals should be:
Time bound
With that criteria in mind I have set the goal of reading 15 books this year. My editor had a goal of 55 books last year and she achieved it. Yeah, Judy! For her that was a realistic goal. It would not be for me. When setting personal goals it’s important to remember that we aren’t competing against one another—we are challenging ourselves.
With a goal set, I am now excited to begin.
If you don’t have a reading goal for this year, perhaps you would care to join me. To help track your reading I suggest you join Goodreads. Once you make an account you can join their 2022 Reading Challenge and begin tracking your books.
Did you know that reading books makes you smarter?
A study at the University of Toronto and UC Berkeley concluded that “Those who read a lot will enhance their verbal intelligence; that is, reading will make them smarter.”
Reading Books Reduces Stress Levels by 68%
According to a study at the University of Sussex, reading silently for just six minutes slows down the heart rate and eases tension in the muscles. In comparison
- Listening to music reduced levels by 61%
- Drinking a cup of tea by 54%
- Taking a walk by 42%
Reading topped them all, reducing stress levels by 68%.
Below are a few books that I have read and recommend along with some Amazon reviews so you can read what others have to say.
I hope you will take the challenge with me. If you do, I would love to hear your recommendations.
The Root of the Righteous by A.W. Tozer
This book was first published over 60 years ago. There’s a reason it is still in print, its truths are timeless. I recommend it as a must-read for all Christians.
A.W. Tozer was truly one of the finest theologians and communicators; his insight is timeless and penetrating. The lessons in this book are just as relevant today as when they were written.
If you like Tozer, you’ll love this one. Is my all time favorite, timeless.
I love reading biographies. A person’s story is powerful.
Are there people in your life who seem impossible to reach with the gospel? Check out these books by Rosaria Butterfield and Nabeel Kureshi for compelling conversion stories. Nothing is impossible with God.
The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield
I loved the honesty and thoughtfulness of this memoir. Butterfield chronicles her conversion from a tenured lesbian professor to becoming a Christian and stepping deeper into her faith. I loved the honesty and thoughtfulness of her writing. She avoids the usual clichés. So many memoirs that focus on conversion dismiss the life a person came out of as though the person were somehow a blank slate that the gospel could be written on. Rosaria acknowledges that her conversion was painful, in fact she calls it a train wreck. There was loss involved. The book is profoundly moving and inspiring for any Christian. At only 150 pages it is a quick read.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Kureshi
This book changed my life. I was a Hindu searching for the truth. Nabeel’s authentic testimony made me to realise the importance of the TRUTH, and how to analyse the Truth-‘the Best Explanation’. It touched most important topics of Christianity and also Islam. Gave me the overview about both the religions authentically(you can cross verify its claims). And led me to research and study more about CHRIST. Today I testify to everyone who reads this comment, I accepted the LORD JESUS CHRIST as my LORD and SAVIOUR. Though in this life I couldn’t thank my brother Nabeel, I will thank him in Eternal Life.
Christian Living/Salvation
Assurance of salvation is an important topic for Christians. Some people think they are saved, when in fact they are not while others who are saved lack the assurance. In both my book, and J. D. Greear’s the reader will see what salvation is, and what it isn’t and how to tell the difference.
Stop Asking Jesus into your Heart by J. D. Greear
A lot of great content for a little book. JD really hits on a key question in the Christian life…how can I be sure of my salvation? Through his own story and solid biblical reference, he walks you through what salvation is and what it is not. This is a very readable book that will help anyone discern whether or not they have actually received the gift of salvation in Jesus. Non-believers will find it clarifying and challenging, while sincere born-again believers will be encouraged and reassured that they can rest in their identity in Christ.
Seven Words You Never Want to Hear by Denise Wilson
Simply a wonderful book, living the Christian life for 20+ years and having my eternal security time and time again come under attack has always been frustrating. Denise lovingly held my hand in this book and helped me to examine my faith as scripture teaches. I am secure forever in Christ, no more doubting! Get this book, read it, then give it away to a friend, I am sure you will be forever blessed.
Bible Study
I studied the book of Genesis with a group of women last year using this book and found it so insightful. This is not a fill in the obvious answer kind of study. You may discover things you had not noticed before. I did.
The Promised One – Seeing Jesus in Genesis by Nancy Guthrie
Outstanding study which links Genesis to the promise of Christ in such a way that you understand that this is what it’s all about. Nancy Guthrie is a truly gifted expositor of God’s word. Study Genesis with this book, God has used it to reveal His truth in a fresh way that ties in so well with the way Jesus used OT scripture.